Registration Kaunas region Registration at IKI „Ėjimo varžybos“ in Kaunas region, September 7th. I'm registering*Adult(Older than 16 years old)Child(Younger than 16 years old)PetChild infoPet infoKomandos duomenysFirst name*Atsakingo asmens vardas*Last name*Atsakingo asmens pavardė*Organizacijos pavadinimas*Dalyvių skaičius*Date of birth*In a popup calendar you can also click on the month and year title.Gender*ManWomanNenoriu atskleistiParents infoMasters infoFull name of one of the parents*E-mail*Kontaktinis el.paštas*Phone*Kontaktinis telefonas nr.*City*The name of your team (leave the name of your family / club / company / school / kindergarten / etc.)Enter your family, club, team, kindergarten, school or company name.In which language would you like to receive information about the event?*LietuviškaiEnglishI've read and agree with event terms & conditions*